
Collection of free gesture packs

Gesture icons can be used to simply describe how to interact with certain elements on your apps and webapps and can be useful for demonstration purposes. User interfaces should always aim to be as easy to use as possible, but for complex interfaces, it’s always better to describe how to use it than to leave…

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You cannot design without content

Content is king. A website is nothing without any content. Have you ever been told to design a website without any content? I have. It’s tough. It’s stupid. What clients don’t understand is that it’s tough to design without any supporting material. My designs are always based on the content. Even if you don’t have…

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Free and useful Photoshop plugins for web designers

As a web designer, I use Photoshop a lot. It’s my go-to program for mocking up designs and re-touching my photos. Although it’s a great tool, there’s always room for improvement. This is is where plugins come in handy and extend the application’s feature set. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite plugins GuideGuide A…

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Collection of useful websites and generators for web developers

Placehold It Base64 Image Bounce JS CSS Animate Random User Generator Brand Colours CSS triangle Generator Border Radius Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator UI Gradients CSS3 Patterns CSS Gradient Background Maker Lorem Ipsum Random Password Generator Adobe Kuler Text To ASCII Art Generator Ever wanted to add ASCII art to your website’s source code? There’s a…

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